Cultural Services

Sharing Yawuru Culture

Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremonies

Yawuru provides high quality cultural services that share traditional values for a variety of public events. Welcomes to Country and smoking ceremonies are an appropriate part of events and carry with them the warmth and connection of Yawuru people who share this community with people from across the globe.

Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony Request Form

Yawuru Cultural Programs

Yawuru’s Cultural Programs offer government and business clients valuable cultural awareness and connection to local and national Indigenous history. The programs deliver cultural and historical context and assist people working in the Kimberley or with Indigenous groups.

The courses provide an overview of Yawuru tradition, language, kinship and relationships to regional cultural groups as well as the historical context of government policy and its impact on Indigenous people. Concepts including the Bugarrigarra, liyan, rayi and buru are discussed as part of Yawuru’s vibrant cultural life.

For enquiries please contact us on 9192 9600 or via email at

If you are feeling unwell with flu like symptoms please refrain from attending. Cultural health and safety is our priority.

Feedback from Jordin Payne, Water Corporation on our Cultural programs:

"The team at NBY deliver an exceptional conservation program on Roebuck Station and it was interesting to hear how they have developed this over time with incredible success."

"Our team really value opportunities to connect with the communities we live and work in. This program is providing an important learning journey for our teams and it has already had such a positive impact. Everyone really enjoyed the day and could not stop talking about the professionalism, expert content and how inspired they felt to learn more about Yawuru culture. It has inspired us to expand this program across all regions we operate in.”

Watch this short video showing our cultural programs.

Want to know more?

Visit us at Nyamba Buru Yawuru or contact the cultural services team
on 9192 9600 or cultural@yawuru