Projects On Country

Customary Marine Species Management and Research: Green Turtle Genetics Research
Yawuru Country Managers are working with Parks Australia, Indigenous Saltwater Advisory Group (ISWAG), Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and other Kimberley Ranger groups, on a green turtle research project. The research, which involves capturing green sea turtles and taking genetic samples is happening on Yawuru Nagulagun Roebuck Bay Marine Park. The project enables two way learning with sharing of on-country knowledge and scientific knowledge between Country Managers and DBCA turtle researchers. The genetics project will identify where the green turtles in Yawuru Nagulagun Marine Park were born and forage and give more context and understanding to assist Yawuru Rangers and Country Managers to manage these important cultural species. This research project involves engaging and educating the next generation to participate in the, ‘blue economy.’

Invasive species management
There are a number of projects to reduce impact of pests and invasive species on Yawuru Country. These include a cane toad and goanna monitoring project in partnership with the University of Sydney. There is also monitoring and trapping of predators (feral cats and dingoes) on Roebuck Plains Station.

Fire management
The Environmental Services team works with Roebuck Plains Station management, DPAW and DFES to undertake an annual program of prescribed aerial and ground burning program and wildfire suppression in a number of areas across the Yawuru Conservation Estate.

Wetlands management
Long-term monitoring of wetland health and condition is in place at key sites. The project, in partnership with UWA, includes monitoring of vegetation and water quality, research and monitoring of groundwater dependant ecosystems and vegetation assessments. A richer picture of Yawuru country over time contributes to knowledge and understanding of macro-level environmental systems, delivering better management of country.

Sustainable grazing on country
Yawuru collaborates with partners on the sustainable grazing project to balance cultural, ecological and cultural demands on country. Key sites on the IPA are fenced off and 30 small cattle exclusion plots established along with new watering points for cattle in order to disperse their impact.
NBY is also working with UWA on the development of a monitoring plan and the ANU to track cattle movements using GIS collars. In the future there is planned collaboration with the ILC and RPS to fix fences to keep cattle out of the Conservation Estate and the internationally recognised Ramsar site along Roebuck Bay.

Predator Free Wildlife Sanctuary
The Environmental Services team Is developing plans for a large scale wildlife Sanctuary. The Sanctuary would allow for better species conservation, research, eco-tourism, employment and education to be delivered.
Want to know more?
Visit us at Nyamba Buru Yawuru or contact the office on 08 9192 9600