Mabu Liyan Framework
Liyan (wellbeing) is a vibrant Yawuru philosophy that weaves people, culture and country together. The concept of mabu (good) liyan is the foundation of Yawuru’s development approach. It is at the heart of the modern Yawuru economic and social agenda which is inclusive, supportive and committed to the principles of sustainability and community cohesion.
Like many Indigenous people across Australia, Yawuru suffered from the ravages of colonisation. However in spite of this, Yawuru people have continued to have strong links to culture, country and community, holding on to the knowledges that they have held since Bugarrigarra.
Yawuru views resilience and empowerment as intricately connected to our community’s strength. Empowered individuals enhance the strength of the community they belong to.
The Mabu Liyan philosophy is a guiding principle for the Yawuru Corporate Group and it underpins NBY’s development approach, defining the ambitions and framework for community programs, cultural and language maintenance, land management and economic development. Mabu liyan is inclusive, supportive and committed to the principles of sustainability and community cohesion. It is the basis for the Liyan-ngan Nyirrwa Cultural Wellbeing Centre.
In partnership with ANU’s Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Yawuru have invested in an evidence based approach using components of mabu liyan as the basis a Yawuru wellbeing index, formalised in the report “Community Wellbeing from the Ground Up – A Yawuru Example”. The intention of this approach is to inform Yawuru social and community investments as well as measuring outcomes from that investment.

Mabu liyan is what gives meaning to people’s lives. Yawuru people’s connection to country and joy celebrating in our culture and society is fundamental to having good liyan... When our liyan is good our wellbeing and everything else is in a good space