Yawuru Language

Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Language Centre

Yawuru is an endangered language and has been the focus of NBY’s cultural maintenance at the Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Yawuru Language Centre. Language specialists have developed resources and innovative solutions that are revitalising the language and training Yawuru people to teach and share the language.

Broome primary schools (up to 1500 children) have Yawuru language programs and it is becoming more familiar the broader community, increasing respect and understanding for the language and culture of the Yawuru people.

The Mabu Yawuru Ngan-ga Language Centre can assist you with any language translations or queries about language usage for public events or publications.  Please fill out this Yawuru language request form

Walalangga Yawuru Ngan-ga Program

The inaugural Walalangga Yawuru Ngan-ga adult language program was a 2 year program specifically designed to re-introduce language into the homes of Yawuru families.

Nine Yawuru adults completed the first fulltime course and graduates have shared their learning with their community, gaining confidence and experience in public speaking, education and translation.  Graduates have not only gained language skills, but also gained self-confidence, cultural knowledge and interpersonal skills that have increased their working experience and their capabilities in a range of areas.




Want to know more?

Visit us at Nyamba Buru Yawuru or contact the language centre <br>on 08 9192 9600 or language@yawuru.org.au